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Prescription Drug Monitoring Program: Alaska State Profile

NCJ Number
Date Published
August 2018
8 pages
This fact sheet presents information and data on the Alaska Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (AKPDMP).

The AKPDMP is administered by the Alaska Board of Pharmancy, Division of Corporations, Business and Professional Licensing, which is known as the Pharmacy Board. An email address is provided, along with website addresses for the PDMP, enrollment, queries, and data upload. Contact information is provided for the PDMP Manager. Statistics for 2017 are provided for the state population, DEA registered prescribers, and DEA registered dispensers. PDMP available reports are listed, along with sources of funding for 2018 and percentage of the total for each source. Numbers of staff are reported for operational, technical, analytical and "other" employees. Dates are reported for PDMP legislation, when it became operational, when online access began, and when electronic reporting began. Sources are listed for PDMP-relevant statutes and rules. Information is provided on reporting frequency for drugs in schedules (II,III.IV,and V), along with naloxone administering information. Miscellaneous capabilities and policies of the AKPDMP are checked, along with required PDMP enrollment and use. Miscellaneous capabilities and policies are noted, along with required PDMP enrollment and use, PDMP accounts, law enforcement requirements and access methods, criteria for querying PDMP, and data retention. Other information categories include PDMP requestor training, technological capabilities, requestor types, and reports authorized to be produced.