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Prescription Drug Monitoring Program: North Dakota State Profile

NCJ Number
Date Published
January 2019
8 pages
Information and data are presented for North Carolina's Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP), which is named the North Carolina Controlled Substances Reporting System (NC CSRS).

The PDMP's email address is provided, along with website addresses for the home page, enrollment, queries, and data upload. Contact information is provided for the PDMP's Executive Director and Program Assistant. Data presented for 2017 cover the state population (755,238), DEA registered prescribers (4,235), and DEA registered dispensers (195). PDMP available reports are listed. Funding sources for the PDMP in 2018 were licensing fees. Staffing numbers for 2018 cover the following job categories: operational (1), technical (0), analytical (0), and "other" (0). Key PDMP dates pertain to enabling legislation (December 2005), becoming operational (September 2007), initial user access (September 2007), on-line access (September 2007), and electronic reporting (September 2007). Sources are reported for statutes and rules relevant to PDMP policies and procedures. Daily reporting is required for data related to monitored drugs. Monitored drugs are controlled substances in schedules II, III, IV, and V. Reporting is also required for marijuana data and drug manufacturers or distributors data. PDMP miscellaneous capabilities and policies are listed. Enrollment in and the use of the PDMP are required for drug prescribers and dispensers. Narrative details are provided for reporting requirements of the PDMP. Law enforcement agencies can query patient drug data only if there is an existing active investigation of the patient. Information on prescribers, dispensers, and patients is purged by the PDMP. Only de-identified data is retained over time. Training is available but not required for the use of the PDMP. Technological capabilities of the PDMP are described, and reports authorized for production by requestor type are indicated.