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Prescription Drug Monitoring Program: Pennsylvania State Profile

NCJ Number
Date Published
February 2019
8 pages
Information and data are presented for the Pennsylvania Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP), which is named Achieving Better Care by Monitoring All Prescriptions (ABC-MAP).

The ABC-MAP is administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Health. The email address is provided, along with website addresses for the home page, enrollment, queries, and data upload. ABC-MAP contact information is provided for the Director and Assistant Director. Data for 2017 cover the state population (12,823,989), DEA registered prescribers (70,207), and DEA registered dispensers (3,237). ABC-MAP available reports are listed. Funding for the ABC-MAP in 2018 came from the state general fund, a CDC grant, and a SAMHSA grant. ABC-MAP personnel numbers for 2018 are reported for the following job categories: operational (3), technical (3), analytical (3), and "other" (10). Key dates reported for the ABC-MAP pertain to enabling legislation (1972) and becoming operational (1973). Source information is provided for statutes and rules relevant to ABC-MAP policies and procedures. Reporting on monitored drugs must be the next business day. Monitored drugs are controlled substances in schedules II, III, IV, and V. Data must also be provided on naloxone administrations, marijuana data, opioid-related drug overdoses or deaths, and registrant's disciplinary history/status. Miscellaneous capabilities and policies of the ABC-MAP are listed. Enrollment with and use of the ABC-MAP are required for drug prescribers and dispensers. Occasions when a prescriber must query the system for patient information are explained. Law enforcement agencies can query patient information only when there is a pre-existing active investigation of the patient. The Office of Attorney General is required to query the system on behalf of all law enforcement agencies for Schedule II controlled substances and all other schedules upon receipt of a court order obtained by the requesting law enforcement agency.