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Prescription Drug Monitoring Program: Washington State Profile

NCJ Number
Date Published
February 2019
5 pages
Information and data are provided for the Washington State prescription drug monitoring program named Prescription Review (PR), which is administered by the Washington State Department of Health.

The PR email address and website home page are provided. Contact information is provided for the PR Director and Operations Program Manager. Statistics for 2016 cover the state population (7,288,000), DEA registered prescribers (42,513), and DEA registered dispensers (1,306). PR technological capabilities are acceptance of ASAP 4-2/2011, electronic data transmission, fax data transmission, and mail data transmission. Required data transmitters are in-state pharmacies, out-of-state mail order pharmacies, the Veterans Administration, Indian Health Services, dispensing doctors, and veterinarians (must report only drugs dispensed for more than 14 days). Monitored drugs are controlled substances on schedules II, III, IV, and V, The PR has the authority to monitor other drugs. Dates pertinent to data collection are reported for enabling legislation (July 2007) and becoming operational (October 2011), Drug data-collection frequency is the next business day for monitored drugs and weekly reporting when no monitoring drugs are dispensed. Source information is provided for Washington State statutes and rules relevant to PR policies and procedures. PR data are retained for 6 years. PR miscellaneous capabilities and policies include the authority to release de-identified data, the ability to de-identify data, and the authority and practice of releasing data for epidemiological or educational purposes. Prescribers must query PR patient drug information prior to prescribing a monitored drug. Training in the use of PR is available, but not required, for prescribers, dispensers, and law enforcement personnel. PR available reports are listed. Reports authorized for production and being produced by requestor type are listed.