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Prescription Drug Monitoring Program: West Virginia State Profile

NCJ Number
Date Published
August 2018
8 pages
Information and data are presented for West Virginia's prescription drug monitoring program named the West Virginia Controlled Substances Monitoring Program (WV CSMP), which is administered by the West Virginia Board of Pharmacy.

The CSMP email address is provided, along with the website addresses of the home page and enrollment. Contact information is provided for the CSMP Executive Director. Data for 2017 cover the state population (1,803,077), DEA registered prescribers (9,292), and registered dispensers (584). Sixteen CSMP available reports are listed. In 2018, the CSMP was funded by licensing fees and a CDC grant. CSMP staff numbers for 2018 are reported for the following job categories: operational (3), technical (0), analytical (3), and "other" (0). Key dates for the CSMP pertain to enabling legislation (July 1995), becoming operational (July 1995), on-line access (December 2004), and electronic reporting (September 2002). Source information is provided for statutes and rules relevant to CSMP policies and procedures. Reporting frequency for the prescribing of monitored drugs is daily, even when no monitored drugs are prescribed. Drugs monitored by the CSMP are controlled substances in schedules II, III, IV, and V. Naloxone dispensing information is required, as are opioid-related overdoses or deaths. The CSMP has the authority to monitor other substances. Nine miscellaneous capabilities and policies are reported for the CSMP. Enrollment in CSMP is required for both prescribers and dispensers of drugs, but only prescribers are required to use it. Law enforcement personnel queries of patient drug-use information require a pre-existing active investigation of a particular patient. CSMP has no data retention policy. Training in the use of CSMP is available for prescribers, dispensers, law enforcement personnel, and members of the regulatory board, but training is required for only prescribers and dispensers. Technological capabilities are reported, along with authorized production of reports by requestor type.