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NCJ Number
D L Stern
Date Published
307 pages
This is a quick reference book on computer fraud and how to prevent it.
Designed to help raise the awareness of professionals in the business community to computer fraud and thus prevent its proliferation, the book includes case histories of fraud encountered by the author, with names of the victimized companies withheld. After each case there is a summary of appropriate preventive measures. Although the book is primarily for people managing or acquiring computer systems or networks for business or government, some issues discussed here may be pertinent to home users of personal computers. The book is divided into the following parts: (1) Misrepresentation, Contractual Agreements, Sabotage, Source Code, Copyright, Data Omission, Fraud in Government; (2) Fraud Prevention Strategies (security; audits; communications, networks, and telecommunications); and (3) Consulting Firms, Checklists, Questionnaires, and Audit Criteria. Bibliography, a guide to further reading, and an index.