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Prevention in Community Settings (From Drug Abuse Prevention With Multiethnic Youth, P 215-232, 1995, Gilbert J. Botvin et al, eds. - See NCJ 159983)

NCJ Number
S Schinke; K Cole
Date Published
18 pages
This paper presents a drug prevention and intervention approach for use with youths who are at high risk for using and encountering problems with drugs.
Increasingly, prevention researchers are discovering that youths from families in poverty are at high risk for future and lifelong problems with drugs, including alcohol and tobacco. Prevention interventions are needed that widely address developmental as well as parental and community factors that influence drug use among these youths. The interventions being designed and tested with the Institution for Prevention Research at Cornell University Medical College include elements on drug use facts, problem solving, coping, and communication skills. Incorporating the community, family, and individual youths, the intervention seeks to build youths' self-esteem, interpersonal skills, and decisionmaking abilities, including their skills in resisting peer pressure. Involving parents and their communities takes extraordinary time and effort. However, their involvement is critical to the successful outcome of the prevention project. 58 references