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Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders in Israel

NCJ Number
Date Published
117 pages
This report, prepared on the occasion of the 1990 United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, provides an overview of recent Israeli crime prevention legislation. It also reviews a progress report on efforts since the Seventh United Nations Conference held in Milan in 1985 to prevent crime and to provide better prison conditions and treatment for the rehabilitation of offenders.
The report summarizes programs and services to prevent delinquency and to treat delinquent offenders; identifies innovative methods for crime prevention in Israel, focusing on international cooperation as the means to facilitate these methods; describes the founding and recent activities of the National Crime Reduction Council in Israel and the operation and programs of the Israel Prison Service, the Prisoner Rehabilitation Authority, and the juvenile justice system; and outlines an integrated national strategy designed to fight terrorism. Additional topics covered include the principles of professional ethics in law enforcement pertaining to the use of force and capital punishment which was abolished in 1954 for murder but is retained as an alternative punishment in a few special cases.