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Principles of Criminal Law, Second Edition

NCJ Number
A Ashworth
Date Published
524 pages
This volume identifies and discusses issues of principle and policy involved in the shaping of criminal law by the legislature, the courts, law reform bodies and academic commentators, with citation and discussion of statutes and case law.
The opening chapter outlines the context and functions of the criminal law. Chapter 2 discusses decisions to criminalize and Chapter 3 identifies a number of key principles and policies. Chapters 4-6 examine the basic elements of culpability, excuse and justification. Chapters 7-9 deal with homicide, non-fatal physical violations (including sexual assaults) and offenses of dishonesty (theft, robbery, blackmail, burglary, handling stolen goods, deception, fraud, dishonesty, discretion and desert). The book concludes with chapters on complicity and inchoate offenses (including the concept of inchoate offense, justification for penalizing attempts at crimes, elements of criminal attempt, elements of criminal conspiracy, incitement and the relationship between substantive and inchoate crimes). Tables, notes, bibliography, index