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Prisoner Education in South Australia - Report of an Interdepartmental Committee on the Provision of Educational Programmes for Inmates in South Australian Prisons

NCJ Number
Date Published
76 pages
Findings and recommendations of the South Autralian Department of Correctional Service's Interdepartmental Committee regarding educational programs for inmates are discussed; comparative information from other countries is highlighted.
The committee met on 15 occasions and individual members visited various prisons and interviewed inmates, prison superintendents, prison officers, and government officers to ascertain the scope of the present educational programs in prisons throughout South Australia. It was concluded that the situation in South Australia contained no real impediment to the further development of an outstanding system of prisoner education. The committee agrees that the main aim of education for prisoners is the intellectual, emotional, or social value which arises from the learning activities. Other aims of prisoner education include keeping the prisoner busy, preventing mental deterioration, remedying educational deficiencies, and teaching the prisoner an occupation. Involvement in prisoner education and training programs should be voluntary, counseling must be included in all programs, and the entry of an inmate into a course and his continuation of that course should be determined by his chance of success and his level of achievement. Appropriate certification should have a library resource area which is a replica of the community library and part of the public library system. In addition, workshop areas should be designed and used as training areas. Photographs are included. Tables and a bibliography of 37 references are appended. (Author abstract modified)


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