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Probation and Parole - Theory and Practice 2nd Edition

NCJ Number
H Abadinsky
Date Published
390 pages
This college-level textbook for criminal justice students examines the history, administration, and legal decisions affecting probation and parole. Treatment, supervision, special programs, and research are also considered.
The introduction discusses the concept of a system and the relationship of parole and probation functions to the other components in the criminal justice context. Chapters with a focus on probation relate it to the court system, recount the history and administration of probation, and explain juvenile probation services, presentence investigation, supervision of probationers, and legal decisions affecting probation. The topic of parole begins with a chapter contrasting the concepts of prisons and community-based corrections. Parole history and the indeterminate sentence are then discussed, followed by the administration of parole. Two types of parole services are distinguished -- institutional and field parole. Legal decisions affecting parole are also delineated and analyzed. Chapters on treatment and supervision in probation and parole are devoted to offender classification, treatment theory, supervision, and offender employment. A fictional case is used to illustrate an officer's use of casework skills. Special consideration is given to the topic of professional and volunteer qualifications for probation and parole officers. The volume concludes by calling attention to special programs, such as interstate compacts for the supervision of parolees and probationers, community arbitration processes, night prosecutor's programs, shock probation, pretrial probation, contract parole, and work release. Special research projects studying parole and probation supervision are summarized. The book states that continuation of probation and parole is assured primarily because these measures are cheaper than imprisonment. Flowcharts, tables, and sample documents are given. Items for study are identified after each chapter. Over 250 references are listed.


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