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Probation in/en Europe

NCJ Number
C G Cartledge, P J P Tak, M Tomic-Malic
Date Published
503 pages
This book describes the legal systems of the 14 member States of the Council of Europe, with particular attention to the organization, aims, and services of each country's probation system.
Discussion centers on probation in Austria, Denmark, France, West Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. Each country's police, court, and prosecutorial systems are outlined, as well as sentencing policies. The text analyzes each probation system in terms of legal framework and historical development. It looks at probation agency structure, personnel, caseloads, activities (client contacts, volunteer services, etc.), and philosophy. The text also mentions the duties of probation officers and major training sessions held in recent years. European Conventions signed by each country are listed along with resource organizations and contact persons. Relevant literature is also listed for most countries. The French text appears on facing pages; a glossary of English-to-German criminal justice terms is included. For individual entries, see NCJ-86329-42.


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