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Project New Pride: A New Focus for Youth

NCJ Number
Date Published
146 pages
The development of Project New Pride in Philadelphia was strongly influenced by the lack of services for serious juvenile offenders and the need to provide comprehensive, realistic, and relevant support mechanisms for these youth.
A grant was awarded in 1981 to develop a New Pride model based on a similar community-based approach to services for serious offender youth in Denver. The Denver New Pride model was designed to provide comprehensive services to serious juvenile offenders in order to reduce recidivism and assure the positive educational, vocational, and social development of these youth. While the Philadelphia design reflected modifications and/or expansion in some areas, objectives and corresponding activities were consistent with the Denver design. Project New Pride in Philadelphia is based on the operational elements of planning, coordination, referral, and intake. Specific service elements include orientation, a probationary period, counseling, education, career assistance, special activities, placement activities, followup, a client flowchart, a master schedule, and a table of organization. Program evaluation and cost analysis data are provided. Eight appendixes contain additional information and forms relevant to Project New Pride.