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Promising Approaches to Drug Treatment in Correctional Settings

NCJ Number
R Frohling
Date Published
12 pages
This report presents an overview of a comprehensive drug treatment program for drug abusers in prisons and includes statewide programs of drug education, counseling, and intensive therapies as well as treatment outside of prison.
The elements of such a program would include testing, assessment of level of abuse, and assignment to a series of treatment options, self-help groups such as Narcotics Anonymous or Alcoholics Anonymous, education and information about drugs and their effects, individual and group counseling, comprehensive drug treatment, and intensive therapeutic community. Florida's substance abuse program is described as an example of the implementation of a statewide comprehensive strategy. In addition to the assessment procedure, the program includes drug education, modified therapeutic community, therapeutic community, community after care elements, and a drug abuse treatment resource center. Incorporation of the therapeutic communities into State corrections systems is exemplified in the Oregon Cornerstone program and the New York "Sta'n Out" program. Policy issues regarding prison drug treatment programs include coddling of inmates, costs and benefits, prison security, program effectiveness, and selection of inmates. Intensive supervision probation, intermittent sentencing, and treatment alternative to street crime (TASC) are among the non-prison options discussed. 19 references