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Promoting AIDS Risk Reduction via Behavioral Training

NCJ Number
AIDS Education and Prevention Volume: 2 Issue: 4 Dated: (Winter 1990) Pages: 313-321
L R Franzini; L M Sideman; K E Dexter; J P Elder
Date Published
9 pages
A sample of 79 university students (38 male and 41 female) was studied to ascertain the impact of teaching assertive strategies designed to reduce risk taking behaviors related to AIDS. The behavioral techniques focused on insisting upon condom use and requesting information about a prospective partner's past sexual behaviors and drug use.
The three training sessions in which subjects participated consisted of live modeling, role-playing, behavior shaping, corrective feedback, verbal reinforcement, assertiveness training, and an educational lecture on AIDS. Dependent measures included ratings of the key elements of assertive behavior from pre- and post-test videotapes. The study indicates that behavioral training, including even brief educational interventions, has a positive effect on assertive behavior related to AIDS risk reduction. 1 figure, 1 appendix, and 20 references (Author abstract modified)