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Protecting American Victims of Abuse Stationed With the Military in Germany: A Gap Between Regulation and Reality

NCJ Number
Response to the Victimization of Women and Children Volume: 13 Issue: 2 Dated: (1990) Pages: 14-16
B Altman-Schevitz
Date Published
3 pages
A cooperative effort among American and German professionals is needed to ensure adequate services to victims of domestic violence that occurs among American military families living in West Germany and to process the cases that are under the jurisdiction of German courts.
Domestic violence has increasingly been recognized as a reality in West Germany, and the country's political environment is now more supportive of victims' rights than it has been in the past. In addition, since 1980 the United States Military Women Advocacy Program has provided shelters for abused women and educational programs regarding domestic violence. However, the military justice system has no authority in cases in which the victim, the perpetrator, or both are civilians living in West Germany. In addition, language and cultural barriers, lack of knowledge about German laws and social service agencies, and other factors hinder efforts to provide adequate protection for victims. Therefore, efforts are needed to establish strong working relationships between the German and American communities in Germany. 6 references


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