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Protecting Prisoners in Research

NCJ Number
Federal Prisons Journal Volume: 1 Issue: 3 Dated: (Spring 1990) Pages: 43-47
H Lebowitz
Date Published
5 pages
This article discusses how research proposals would be viewed in light of regulations regarding protection of research subjects in corrections settings.
The history of inmate research subject protection is provided followed by a description of the Health and Human Services regulations that protect inmate subjects. Restrictions placed on researchers include placing the inmates in minimal risk, submission of research proposals to a review committee, limitation of enticements to participate, equitable selection of subjects, informed consent, research monitoring, and protection of privacy. The Board of Prison research policy follows the intent of the Health and Human Services regulations, but they place less restrictions on researchers. Finally, examples of research proposals are discussed to illustrate how the different regulations and policies would affect the proposals. 2 footnotes, 3 references.