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Psychosocial Characteristics of Batterers - A Study of 234 Men Charged With Domestic Violence Offenses

NCJ Number
Journal of Family Violence Volume: 2 Issue: 1 Dated: (March 1987) Pages: 81-93
A R Roberts
Date Published
13 pages
This paper analyzes the characteristics of 234 woman abusers who came in contact with the Marion County, Indiana, prosecutor's office and the municipal court in Indianapolis between July 1984 and April 1985.
Results indicate that the majority of batterers were between the ages of 18 and 34, and 53.9 percent were white. For batterers, the most frequently cited relationship was cohabitation (48 percent), followed by separation/divorce (27.3 percent). This may be the result of a greater unwillingness among economically dependent women to file charges against their husbands. The unemployment rate among batterers was quite high (47.4 percent), and those who were employed were in blue-collar positions. The abuser was reported to have been under the influence of alcohol during the incident in 60 percent of the cases; 32.3 percent of abusers were reported to use drugs, particularly marijuana. Slightly over 60 percent of batterers had a prior criminal history, although most charges were misdemeanors. A charge of battery was filed in 75 percent of the cases. Charges were eventually dropped in slightly over 60 percent of the cases. Batterers received suspended sentences in 18.8 percent of cases, were fined 8 percent, and were incarcerated in only 3.9 percent. More than half of the offenders were not referred to any type of counseling program. 11 tables and 27 references.


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