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PTSD Symptoms in Young Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence

NCJ Number
Violence Against Women Volume: 19 Issue: 2 Dated: February 2013 Pages: 187-201
Alytia A. Levendosky; G. A. Bogat; Cecilia Martinez-Torteya
Date Published
February 2013
15 pages

Intimate partner violence IPV places infants and young children at risk for development of trauma symptoms.


Intimate partner violence IPV places infants and young children at risk for development of trauma symptoms. However, this is an understudied consequence of IPV because young children pose particular difficulties for assessment of trauma symptoms. The authors collected maternal reports on mothers' and children's posttraumatic stress disorder PTSD symptoms and IPV yearly, from ages 1 to 7. Approximately half of the children exposed to IPV at each time period developed some trauma symptoms, and frequency of IPV witnessed was associated with PTSD symptoms. Maternal and child PTSD symptoms were correlated, suggesting that young children may be particularly vulnerable to relational PTSD due to their close physical and emotional relationship with their parents. Abstract published by arrangement with Sage.