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Race and Crime: An Annotated Bibliography

NCJ Number
Katheryn K. Russell; Heather L. Pfeifer; Judith L. Jones
Date Published
207 pages
This annotated bibliography is intended as a resource guide for those seeking a comprehensive listing of citations related to race and crime; the volume included the work of criminologists, legal scholars, sociologists, biologists, economists, anthropologists, political scientists, politicians, and journalists.
The bibliography includes the authors, titles, publishers, dates, and descriptions of books, monographs, journal articles, dissertations, special issues, government documents, and Web sites. The annotations came from several databases, including NCJRS, criminal Justice Abstracts, Psychlit, Social Science Abstracts, LEXIS/NEXIS, Dissertation Abstracts International, and others. Annotation entries include works published from the civil rights era through August 1999. Annotations cover three broad areas: (1) race and offending, (2) race and victimization, and (3) race and criminal justice system professionals (e.g., judges, police officers, and researchers). Most of the citations address the United States criminal justice system, although they include references to some international studies. The racial labels used in the annotations are consistent with those used by the researcher. The bibliography’s first section highlights race-specific research and has subparts devoted to white, American Indian, Asian American, Hispanic, and black persons. The second section includes general race research and has subparts focused on multiracial research; special issues, edited volumes, and guides; and government documents, reports, and commission findings. The final section lists World Wide Web citations for government documents on crime and justice. Subject and author indexes