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Ready4Reentry: Prisoner Reentry Toolkit for Faith-Based and Community Organizations

NCJ Number
Date Published
72 pages
This toolkit, which is based on the Ready4Work model (R4W), presents promising practices for small to medium-sized faith-based and community organizations in starting or improving their reentry services for released prisoners.

The R4W program launched by the U.S. Labor Department in 2003 is a 3-year pilot program that addresses the need of ex-prisoners who use the services of faith-based and community organizations (FBCOs). R4W emphasized employment-focused programs that incorporate mentoring, job training, job placement, case management, and other comprehensive transitional services. R4W produced promising results in reducing recidivism and assisting ex-prisoners in finding and maintaining employment. Each chapter of this toolkit focuses on an issue facing FBCOs in providing services to ex-prisoners and offers related practices from R4W. The 10 chapters of the toolkit address creating a reentry organization, designing an effective program structure, forming successful partnerships, recruiting clients and volunteers, crafting intensive case management, removing barriers to employment through supportive services, implementing effective employment preparation, succeeding at job placement, mentoring adult ex-prisoners, and monitoring program success. Each chapter presents an overview of the chapter topic, outlines a few topic-related innovative practices used by R4W sites, provides action questions that assist in evaluating chapter recommendations, and provides sample job descriptions and documents from R4W.