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Reaffirming Our Roots, Resource Book: Ninth National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, September 14-17, 1991, Denver, Colorado

NCJ Number
Date Published
222 pages
This resource book on child abuse incorporates a brief history of child protection, selected abstracts, a bibliography, indexes, and program descriptions.
It was prepared for use at the Ninth National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect held in September 1991 in Denver, Colorado. The 155 abstracts deal with such topics as the information needs of Hispanic parents, children at risk, child sexual abuse, intervention with developmentally disabled abuse victims, children in violent families, child abuse prevention, child protection, mental health needs, treatment techniques, emotional abuse, out-of-home placement, teenage pregnancy, and parent education and support. The program descriptions include address and telephone information, a brief summary, the service area population, clients, evaluation methods, community integration efforts, costs, number of clients served, and replication information. 129 references