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Recent Trends in Crime in Greater Bombay

NCJ Number
Indian Journal of Criminology Volume: 17 Issue: 1 Dated: (January 1989) Pages: 6-12
R Bhat; V S Phadke
Date Published
7 pages
Information from police records in greater Bombay, India from 1977 to 1983 show that although total crimes have decreased, several types of crimes have increased.
Robberies, murders, and attempted murders have increased, whereas pickpocketing, residential burglaries, and other thefts have declined. However, criminals are tending to aspire to higher gains. Riots have been specific to situations and thus have random elements. The statistics show that the migration to cities and the resulting social problems coupled with the stagnation of rural areas are the factors responsible for growing crime in cities. Restricting the size of cities is being discussed, but it will not solve the problem by itself. Instead, rural society needs to be stabilized through the growth of the rural economy. This stabilization would reduce the flow of migrants to cities and thus would reduce urban crime. Figures, table, and 22 references.


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