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Rehabilitation and Correctional Programmes in the Community to Prevent Recidivism by Discharged Prisoners: The Actual Situation, Problems and Countermeasures (From UNAFEI Resource Material Series No. 54, P 414-435, 1999 -- See NCJ-190077)

NCJ Number
William K. Asiedu; Bo-Sik Yoon; Mamoru Suzuki
Date Published
September 1999
22 pages
This paper examined community rehabilitation and correctional programs to prevent recidivism by discharged prisoners.
The paper compared programs actually in use in different countries to prevent discharged prisoners from reoffending and to aid their reintegration into society. It also considered the categories of discharged prisoners who benefited from specific programs and the roles played by formal and informal organizations. The paper observed that the kind of offender rehabilitation treatment differed from country to country, and there were no well-structured programs in most countries. Emphasis was mainly on observing conditions of parole or license, rather than on specialized treatment for the different categories of release. The paper recommended developing comprehensive plans and strategies to successfully reintegrate ex-offenders. Emphasis should be on effective and efficient aftercare programs. Finally, the article stressed the need for international cooperation and more research on these issues. Notes, tables