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Relationship Between Dimensions of Delinquency and the Developments of Self and Peer Perception

NCJ Number
Adolescence Volume: 16 Issue: 63 Dated: (Fall 1981) Pages: 543-556
R M Bernstein
Date Published
14 pages
This study assessed two hypotheses: (1) delinquents have developmental delays in self and peer perception; and (2) developmental delays in self and peer perceptions are related more strongly to the psychopathic than to the neurotic dimension of delinquency.
The samples consisted of 40 delinquent and 40 nondelinquent males. The results indicated that delinquents and nondelinquents were not different in self and peer perception. Psychopathy, but not neuroticism, was related to developmental delays. A developmental model was presented to integrate the data. It was hypothesized that a lack of social concern may be associated with developmental delays in self and peer cognition. (Publisher abstract)


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