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Research in Criminology by Staff of the Centre of Criminology, January 1980 - December 1986

NCJ Number
Date Published
81 pages
This bibliography lists all the publications in criminology by the staff of Toronto University's (Canada) Centre of Criminology from January 1980 to the present (1987).
The list includes work conducted by full-time, part- time, and cross-appointed staff. The list contains books and monographs, journal articles, chapters in books, book reviews, and reports provided for Federal and provincial governments. Reports made to private foundations have not been included, nor have materials from students at the Centre, or instructors in the Certificate Programme or undergraduate courses in criminology at the University of Toronto who have no other connection with the Centre. Approximately 416 listings are provided. They are presented under the following subject headings: theoretical analysis; crime and deviance; criminal law and policy; administration of criminal justice; police; courts; dispositions, sentencing, and corrections; juveniles; domestic violence and child abuse; gender and social control; medico-legal; public opinions and attitudes; miscellaneous; and book reviews. An author index is provided.