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Resolving Problems Associated with Alcohol and Drug Misuse: Understanding Relations Between Addictive Behavior Change and the Use of Services

NCJ Number
Substance Use & Misuse Volume: 36 Issue: 11 Dated: 2001 Pages: 1501-1518
Jalie A. Tucker Ph.D.
Date Published
18 pages
This article examines relations between addictive behavior change and use of substance-related services.
"Natural resolutions" highlight the influences on, and relationships among, addictive behavior change and the use of substance-related services. This article summarizes the distinct literatures and implicates extra-therapeutic environmental variables in both processes. Whether or not they are assisted by interventions, stable resolutions are surrounded by environmental contexts characterized by improved circumstances across several years that bracket cessation of substance misuse. Psychosocial problems associated with substance use increase help-seeking, and interventions enhance improvements that typically follow initial resolution. The article suggests that priority be given to developing low threshold, community-based interventions and guided self-change approaches that do not require universal abstinence. Such interventions would bring helping resources to substance misusers rather than waiting for them to seek help, and should reach a greater segment of the affected population. Table, references