NCJ Number
Date Published
August 2010
0 pages
Publication Series
This training DVD instructs probation/parole officers (PPOs) in their role and functions in detecting and reporting probationers/parolees' abuse and/or neglect of elderly family members with whom they live.
Using statements by PPOs, victim advocates, and staff members of agencies responsible for adult protective services, the DVD first explains the rationale for training PPOs in detecting, reporting, and interacting with elderly victims of abuse. Probationers/parolees are at high risk for the abuse of elderly family members, particularly offenders whose crimes involved assault, aggression, and or manipulation of victims for personal gain. In recognizing this risk, probation/parole officers should be attentive to the welfare of offenders' elderly family members, particularly if the offenders are living in an elderly family member's home. Depending on State reporting laws, PPOs may be legally required to report any suspicion that a probationer/parolee may be abusing an elderly person. Consequently, it is important that PPOs do what they can to prevent and report elder abuse. Regarding prevention of elder abuse, the DVD training advises PPOs to instruct their clients that any abuse of an elderly family member will constitute a probation/parole violation. The nature of such abuse and neglect should be explained, including physical, emotional, and financial abuse. Regarding the detection of elderly abuse, PPOs should be attentive to the signs of elder abuse when making client home visits. This should include having separate interviews with the elderly person. Regarding such interviews, the DVD provides tips on how best to communicate with elderly persons. Separate sections of the DVD address the reporting of elder abuse and working collaboratively with agencies responsible for casework with elderly victims. Such collaboration is noted to be important, because it is not the function of PPOs to assume leadership in the investigation and disposition of such cases.
Date Published: August 1, 2010
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