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Responding to Hate Crime: A Multidisciplinary Curriculum for Law Enforcement and Victim Assistance Professionals

NCJ Number
Date Published
February 2000
192 pages
This is a training package to assist law enforcement and victim assistance personnel in responding to victims of bias crime.

The curriculum was designed to provide law enforcement officials and victim assistance professionals up-to-date information and strategies for identifying bias crimes and taking appropriate actions to deter and investigate those crimes and to assist the victims; strengthen the capacity of professionals in both fields to contribute to successful investigation and prosecution of bias crime and to contribute to changing the community norms that foster a tolerance of and indifference towards those crimes; and provide professionals in both fields the perspectives and strategies to work more effectively within their own departments and agencies, with one another and within their communities. The document is divided into six chapters: (1) Defining and Recognizing Bias Crime; (2) Victim Impact; (3) Bias Crime Offenders; (4) Bias Crime and the Law; (5) Roles of Law Enforcement and Victim Assistance Professionals; and (6) Cultural Issues and Community Strategies for Dealing with Bias Crime. Appendixes, figures