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Response of the Dane County Sheriff Department to Spouse Abuse Calls

NCJ Number
J K Witt
Date Published
44 pages
The research explored the response of sheriff's deputies in Dane County, Wis., to 199 family dispute and battery calls.
Studied were the relationships of the intimate couples seeking assistance, correlation between use of drugs/alcohol and interpersonal violence, use of arrest and referral by deputies, and use of Wisconsin's new domestic criminal restraining order process. Findings were used to successfully advocate for a new 'pro-arrest' policy for domestic violence (battery). Failure to arrest may aggravate a domestic violence problem by suggesting to the assailants that their violence can be overlooked or is 'above the law.' An arrest can be the beginning of a process leading to court-ordered counseling for batterers, who otherwise may be reluctant to seek help to change their behavior. Tables, maps, appended materials, and 16 resources and references are supplied. (Author abstract modified)


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