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Restitution in New York State: An Analysis of Orders and Collections

NCJ Number
P Y Swanigan
Date Published
63 pages
Restitution data reported to the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services for 1985-89 cover the number of restitution orders issued, satisfied (restitution paid in full), and active; the amounts ordered and collected; and the major offenses and violations for which restitution was ordered.
Data for the analysis were obtained from the Computerized Restitution System (CRS) maintained by the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS). CRS uses data from the DP-30A forms that are transmitted monthly to DCJS from the Division of Probation and Correctional Alternatives and the New York City Office of the Deputy Mayor for Public Safety. Data indicate that criminal courts issued 16,673 restitution orders in 1989, a 4-percent increase from the previous year. The urban-upstate region experienced the largest growth (20 percent) in the number of orders issued during 1989. A total of 9,526 restitution orders were satisfied in 1989, a 9-percent increase over 1988. A total of 32,363 cases remained unsatisfied as of December 31, 1989, and were carried over into 1990. The amount of restitution ordered has increased from $15,748,345 in 1986 to $22,310,111 in 1989. Slightly less than 27 percent of the $92,321,377 ordered in restitution payments since 1985 had been collected by the end of 1989. 8 tables and 3 figures