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Restitution Programs in Six States - Policies and Procedures

NCJ Number
A T Harland; M Q Warren; E J Brown; M R Buckman
Date Published
167 pages
This report, which is one of a series on the national evaluation of adult restitution programs (NCJ 72327 and 72328), describes policies and procedures of the six restitution programs being evaluated and highlights significant shifts or gaps in policy and procedure.
First, a summary description is presented of the structure, policies, and procedures of each of the six programs (Calif., Conn., Ga., Me., Mass., and Ore.). The programs are systhesized and compared under the topics of funding, program location and structure, program goals, program role in the restitutive process, offender selection, loss assessment, plan formulation, accounting and disbursement of resititution, and monitoring and enforcement. Secondly, each program is described along a number of standardized dimensions to provide greater detail about each program. The descriptions are organized to reflect a logical chronology of planning and administrative steps toward implementing a restitution/community service program. Materials used in the various programs are appended, and tabular data, notes, and references are provided.


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