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Restitution as a Sanction in Juvenile Court

NCJ Number
Crime and Delinquency Volume: 32 Issue: 2 Dated: (April 1986) Pages: 177-185
W G Staples
Date Published
9 pages
Over the past decade, restitution has assumed increasing significance as a sanction both in the juvenile and in the criminal justice system. The purpose of this article is to examine the current trend toward utilizing restitution from a critical and historical perspective.
Current restitution policies and practices are placed within the context of three major trends in justice: (1) individualization of the juvenile court; (2) growing concern with the victims of crime, and (3) the blurring of the traditional distinction between criminal and tort law. Restitution as a sanction is evaluated in the context of these three developments, and the contemporary form of restitution is compared with its historical predecessors. (Author abstract)