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Results From the 2001 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse: Volume II. Technical Appendices and Selected Data Tables

NCJ Number
Date Published
August 2002
111 pages
This second volume of a three-volume set of reports on the 2001 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (NHSDA) presents technical appendices and selected data tables.
The NHSDA provides information on the prevalence of substance use in the population and the problems associated with such use. The survey collects information on the sociodemographic characteristics of users, patterns of use, treatment, perceptions of risk, criminal behavior, and mental health. Since 1999 the NHSDA sample has been designed to provide State-level estimates, based on 70,000 respondents (aged 12 and older) per year. One appendix in this volume describes the survey in terms of sample design, data-collection methodology, and data processing (statistical imputation and development of analysis weights). A second appendix provides information on statistical methods and data limitations. Topics address the target population, sampling error and statistical significance, nonsampling error, incidence estimates, and estimates of serious mental illness. A third appendix presents information on the effects of changes in survey protocol on trend measurements. Issues covered include postsurvey data processing, incentive experiment effects, field interviewer experience effects, changes in response rates, field interviewer behavior, retrospective measures of change in lifetime use, analysis focused on the first six calendar months, and questionnaire change. Another appendix provides key definitions for 1999-2001 survey years. An appendix lists other sources of similar data, including other national surveys of illicit drug use, alcohol and cigarette use surveys, other surveys of substance abuse and dependence, and surveys of populations not covered by the NHSDA. Remaining appendices present 132 references, sample size and population tables, and selected prevalence tables.


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