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Rhode Island New Pride Education Component

NCJ Number
V J Carpenter; V A Gailliard
Date Published
208 pages
This document describes the Project New Pride alternative school and learning disabilities remediation programs conducted by Opportunities Industrialization Center of Rhode Island, a nonprofit agency that provides counseling, education, and vocational training to minorities and other disadvantaged persons.
An overview of the Alternative Learning Program (ALP) covers placement, the intake process, recordkeeping, orientation of students, and the individualized approach to instruction. The school is departmentalized, uses team teaching in small classes, and does not isolate learning disabled students. School is mandatory for participants in Project New Pride who are under 16. The learning disabilities component was instituted because research studies have found that many serious juvenile offenders have learning disabilities. The discussion of this program addresses language remediation techniques, departmentalization, and the structure of the learning disability classroom. Extracurricular activities are also detailed, such as trips to cultural events, workshops, and sports. Learning disabled participants stay in the program for the entire school while SLP students enroll for one semester. Followup services for youths completing the program are described, including counseling and tutoring. The curriculum outlines for mathematics, science, writing, social science, and reading identify areas to be covered, define goals and objectives, and provide forms to record progress. In the learning disabilities area, charts detail perceptual, linguistic, and cognitive deficits that need remediation and suggest appropriate instructional methods. The document provides an extensive bibliography, assessment and report forms used by Project New Pride, the participant's handbook, and testing instruments.


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