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Riots, Civil and Criminal Disorders - Hearings Before the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, July 31, August 4, 5, and 6, 1970, Part 25

NCJ Number
Date Published
248 pages
Hearings before the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations examine violent tactics used by certain groups, particularly those apparently using guerrilla warfare, and the sources of their weapons and tactics information.
The subcommittee staff reports on bombings, thefts of explosives, and terrorist-type attacks and assaults on law enforcement facilities and personnel. Material on the use of explosives and guerrilla tactics are reported to have been found on members of such groups as the Black Panthers, Students for a Democratic Society, and the American Nazi Party. Testimony is presented from the owner of a publications company that distributes miltaristic material, including indepth discussions of guerrilla warfare. The owner disavows any intent that the material be used to practice such operations in the United States. Testimony is also presented from a representative of the Jewish Anti-Defamation League regarding the types of incidents experienced by synagogues in the areas of vandalism, bombings, etc. Extensive testimony is also from the minister of an inner city church in Chicago which had some dealings with and intimidation from a local gang. Exhibits are presented.
