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Risk of Revictimization of Intimate Partner Violence: The Role of Attachment, Anger and Violent Behavior of the Victim

NCJ Number
Journal of Family Violence Volume: 27 Issue: 1 Dated: January 2012 Pages: 33-44
Karlijn F. Kuijpers; Leontien M. van der Knaap; Frans Willem Winkel
Date Published
January 2012
12 pages
This study aimed at identifying victims at high risk of revictimization of partner violence.
Victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) are known to be at high risk for revictimization. Yet, to date, the mechanisms explaining the link between victimization and revictimization of IPV have not been extensively studied. In the present prospective study involving 74 female help-seeking victims of IPV, the authors investigated victim-related psychological mechanisms that may underlie this link. With this study, the authors aim to contribute to the development of theory addressing these psychological mechanisms and their role in explaining risk for IPV revictimization. Hypotheses regarding possibly relevant psychological mechanisms were derived from two conflicting approaches to IPV: the gender perspective, and the mutual IPV perspective. Results lend further support to the mutual IPV perspective, since the author's final prediction model indicates that victim-perpetrated IPV is an important risk factor for physical and psychological IPV revictimization. An avoidant attachment style shows to be a strong predictor as well, in particular for victims with high and average anger levels. Findings provide clear indications for risk assessment and treatment of IPV victims, and moreover offer opportunities to empower these victims in order to prevent future violence. (Published Abstract)