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Robust Biometric Image Watermarking for Fingerprint and Face Template Protection

NCJ Number
IEICE Electronics Express Volume:  3 Issue: 2 Dated: 2006 Pages: 23-28
Mayank Vatsa; Richa Singh; Afzel Noore; Max M. Houck; Keith Morris
Date Published
6 pages

This paper presents a combined DWT and LSB based biometric watermarking algorithm that securely embeds a face template in a fingerprint image.


The proposed algorithm is robust to geometric and frequency attacks and protects the integrity of both the face template and the fingerprint image. Experimental results performed on a database of 750 face and 750 fingerprint images show that the algorithm has the advantages of both the existing DWT and LSB based algorithms. A multimodal biometric algorithm is used as a metric to evaluate the combined performance of both face and fingerprint recognition. (Publisher abstract provided)