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Role of the Environment and Person When Predicting Burnout Among Correctional Personnel

NCJ Number
Criminal Justice and Behavior Volume: 14 Issue: 3 Dated: (September 1987) Pages: 352-369
L H Gerstein; C G Topp; G Correll
Date Published
18 pages
Burnout among correctional staff was examined within a person-environment framework.

Total exhaustion and number of bad day scores were expected to be related to sets of personal (e.g., age, length of employment) and environmental (e.g., relationship with coworkers, role ambiguity) variables. Results of regression analyses supported this prediction and also suggested that burnout was more closely linked to the working environment than characteristics about the staff. Surprisingly, this experience was best explained by the staffs' relationship with inmates. It appears that altering the staffs' social networks and self-expectations would not reduce burnout, while enhancing contact with inmates and clarifying work roles would. (Publisher abstract)