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Safeguarding Your Child's Future: Child Identity Theft

NCJ Number
Date Published
May 2012
12 pages
The Federal Trade Commission's (FTC's) booklet, Safeguarding Your Child's Future, offers informative steps to help parents avoid, recognize, and repair the damage caused by child identity theft.

Child identity theft involves someone who uses a minor's personal information to commit fraud. A thief may steal and use a child's information to get a job, government benefits, medical care, utilities, car loans, or a mortgage. Avoiding, discovering, and undoing the damage resulting from the theft of a child's identity can be a challenge. A thief who steals a child's information may use it for many years before the crime is discovered. The victim may learn about the theft years later, when applying for a loan, apartment, or job. This booklet provides information on how to keep your child's personal information (Social Security number, birth certificate, birth date) safe; how to recognize the warning signs of child identity theft; how to check whether your child has a credit report; how to correct errors on your child's credit report; and how to file an identity theft report with the FTC and the local police.