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Scandinavian Research Council for Criminology - Annual Report, 1979 (From Crime and Crime Control in Scandinavia, 1976-80, P 84-88, 1980, Norman Bishop, ed. - See NCJ-74060

NCJ Number
A Snare
Date Published
5 pages
The seminars, research projects, and publications of the Scandanavian Research Council for Criminology during 1979 are outlined.
The primary function of the Council is identified as that of a contact agency between Nordic researchers in criminology and between criminological researchers and planners and practitioners in the field of criminal policy. Consisting of 13 members appointed by the various Nordic Ministries of Justice for a 3-year period, the Council's day-to-day functions are carried out by a Secretariat and contact persons appointed for each country. Seminars conducted in 1979 included (1) contact seminars consisting of meetings of criminological researchers and criminal justice system officials, (2) an annual research seminar at which 50-60 criminologists focused on the issue of alternative conflict resolution, and (3) a training seminar involving a study tour by 20 Scandanavian criminologists of U.S. and Canadian criminal justice agencies and programs. Work parties, or limited groups of researchers who gather periodically to discuss specific criminological themes, are discussed as another part of the Council's ongoing programs. Projects awarded research grants by the Council in 1979 are also briefly described. Major publications of the Council as well as ongoing reports of Council activities are noted. Other activities planned in 1980 are identified as continuing intense contact work and exchanges with non-Scandanavian countries.


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