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School-to-Work: Bridging Two Worlds

NCJ Number
Facts You Can Use Volume: 2 Issue: 4 Dated: Summer 1998 Pages: -
Date Published
20 pages
This document presents information on preparing young people for the transition from school to careers.
Three articles discuss school-to-work training as a necessity for all students, not just those enrolled in "vocational education" programs; some exemplary programs; the essential elements of successful school-to-work strategies; and the principles of the Communities In Schools (CIS) program. The CIS Academy is an important application of CIS principles and one of the most exciting innovations in this concept is the CIS/Department of Defense Partnership Career Academy initiative. These schools-within-schools emphasize personalized instruction for youth, with an "occupational cluster" focus for the entire academy, a grouping of occupations from one or more industries that share common skill requirements. Additionally, CIS's Federal Interagency Partnership, administered by the Department of Justice, has helped 25 local CIS programs develop youth entrepreneurial projects. Tables, references


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