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Sex Offender Treatment at the Illinois Youth Center -- Harrisburg

NCJ Number
On Good Authority Volume: 1 Issue: 6 Dated: June 1998 Pages: -
T Hahn
Date Published
4 pages
This is a summary of findings from an evaluation of the Sex Offender Treatment Unit at Harrisburg, IL.
The Sex Offender Treatment program at Harrisburg was started in 1996 to provide intensive residential treatment to juvenile sex offenders. The program consists of four phases, during which offenders: (1) learn the rules of the program, work to overcome denial and accept responsibility for sex offenses; (2) learn the concept of a sexual assault cycle and try to understand their individual cycles; (3) improve their understanding of the consequences of sexual offenses; and (4) develop specific plans for intervention in their personal offense cycles, exercise group leadership, and complete relapse prevention plans. The article summarizes findings from a preliminary evaluation which sought to determine the extent to which the program was carried out according to pre-operational standards, to suggest future refinement of the program and to guide similar programs in the future. Figure