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Sexual Experience as a Factor in Reactions to Rape Victims

NCJ Number
A Cann; L G Calhoun; J W Selby
Date Published
10 pages
The effects of the sex of the respondent and of the sexual history of the victim on reactions to rape victims were examined.
Newspaper accounts described a rape and related some of the victim's testimony at the trial of the accused rapist. The victim's testimony was varied as follows: no information on her sexual history, information on sexual history prohibited by the judge, indication by victim of an inactive sexual history, indication by victim of an active sexual history, and refusal by victim to answer questions about her sexual history. Results indicated consistent differences due to the sex of the respondent. Males tended to see the victim as a greater factor in her own rape and the rapist as less responsible than did females. The effects of sexual history of the victim indicated that victims who refused to discuss their sexual history were believed to be sexually active, and were assigned more responsibility for the rape. (ERIC (Educational Resource Information Center) abstract)


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