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Sexuality of Deviant Females: Adolescent and Adult Correlates

NCJ Number
Social Work Dated: (November 1981) Pages: 468-472
P P Vitaliano; J James; D Boyer
Date Published
5 pages
Research on women has discovered an association between negative sexual experiences in adolescence, low self-image, and deviant adult lifestyles.
Prostitutes were chosen as the study group, and female offenders were used as a comparison group. Subject interviews revealed that 99 percent of female offenders reported larceny, forgery, drug-related crimes, burglary, and shoplifting as their primary means of support. In contrast, 74 percent of prostitutes reported primary support from prostitution; the remaining 26 percent reported prostitution as secondary to dealing in drugs. Prostitutes reported more sexual abuse and negative sexual labeling than female offenders. Women of lower economic status generally reported more negative adolescent sexual experiences than women from the middle class. Reported rates of sexual abuse, such as molestation prior to first intercourse or forced intercourse, were high in both groups. The research shows that prostitutes need sex role counseling in restorative therapy. 17 notes and references, 3 tables.


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