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Shifting Policy Responses to Domestic Violence in the Netherlands and Spain (1980-2009)

NCJ Number
Violence Against Women Volume: 18 Issue: 7 Dated: July 2012 Pages: 784-806
Conny Roggeband
Date Published
July 2012
23 pages
This article examines the differences in the evolution of policies to combat domestic violence against women in the Netherlands and Spain.
This article seeks to understand differences in the evolution of policies to combat domestic violence against women in the Netherlands and Spain. Although policy change is often viewed as incremental change toward more progressive policies, the two countries studied here reflect opposing dynamics. The Netherlands moved from being a pioneering country to one that gradually marginalized the policy issue, whereas Spain, in contrast, recently developed innovative and far-reaching policies after a long period of low to moderate state responses. The case study points to the central role of frame negotiation, left-wing governments, and strong feminist mobilization. Abstract published by arrangement with Sage Journals.