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Socialization to Gangs in St. Louis Project: Background and Executive Summary, Final Report

NCJ Number
G. David Curry; Scott H. Decker Ph.D.
Date Published
202 pages
The final report of the Socialization to Gangs in St. Louis Project includes a review of empirical research on St. Louis gangs and gang homicides and project findings.
Gang-related homicides were reviewed, and gang homicides were used as an indicator of the emergence of the gang problem in St. Louis. Geographic patterns of gang homicide were taken into account in selecting schools for the survey portion of the Socialization to Gangs in St. Louis Project. The project revealed that community-based responses to gang problems should be based on assessments of gang crime data, that early signs of a growing gang crime problem should be subjected to careful analysis, that analysis of gang homicide patterns should contrast gang homicides with non-gang homicides, and that community mobilization efforts in response to gangs should be concentrated in areas where gang violence is concentrated. The authors attempt to link research and practice by describing the St. Louis SafeFutures Program and the Socialization to Gangs in St. Louis Project. They also examine referrals and the referral process in the St. Louis Family Court, gang involvement and delinquency, and perspectives of young gang members. References, tables, and figures


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