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Societal Developments, Social Equality, and Homicide - A Cross-National Test of a Durkheimian Model

NCJ Number
Social Forces Volume: 61 Issue: 1 Dated: (September 1982) Pages: 225-240
S F Messner
Date Published
16 pages
Results of a cross-sectional analysis for a sample of 50 nations provide partial support for the theory that there will be no significant zero-order relationship between development and homicide, a positive partial effect of measures of moral individualism on homicide, and a negative partial effect of a measure of equality on homicide.
The paper formulates and tests a Durkheimian model of societal development and homicide. Relying heavily on Anthony Gidden's recent reinterpretation of the 'Division of Labor,' it argues that development has no overall effect on the societal homicide rate primarily because the egalitarian changes accompanying the development make for new forms of social solidarity. One figure, tables, 6 notes, and 25 references are provided. A chart showing the sample of nations is appended. (Author abstract modified)


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