In FY 2008, BJA focused its programmatic and policy efforts on providing a wide range of resources to law enforcement, courts, corrections, treatment, justice information sharing, and community-based partners to address emerging and chronic crime challenges nationwide. A brief look at a few of the many programs administered by BJA in FY 2008 reveals: Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant funds provided more than $159 million to 50 States, the District of Columbia, and 5 territories for local, State, and tribal justice initiatives; Targeting Violent Crime Initiative funding, which was awarded in FY 2007, allowed the 103 participating local law enforcement agencies to seize more than 4,600 firearms and disrupt or dismantle more than 600 gangs; Gang Resistance Education And Training Program funds provided nearly $7.7 million for 85 local law enforcement agencies to implement the school-based law enforcement officer-instructed classroom curriculum for thousands of elementary and middle school students nationwide; Public Safety Officers' Benefits were approved for more than 375 claims to provide benefits to survivors of America's fallen heroes; Tribal Initiatives were bolstered through three programs totaling more than $11 million for courts, treatment, and corrections efforts; Prescription Drug Monitoring funds totaling more than $7 million allowed States to enhance their capacity to collect and analyze controlled substance data; Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification Program funds totaling $7.8 million allowed States to build, implement, and improve their victim notification capacity; Prisoner Reentry Initiative funds of more than $10 million allowed communities to provide critical services to returning offenders and to ensure necessary accountability; Bulletproof Vest Partnership awards supported law enforcement throughout the country with more than $20 million for new and replacement vests; and Justice Information Sharing initiatives assisted States and local communities nationwide in overcoming obstacles to sharing information appropriately and securely. 7 appendixes
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