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Sopronkohida Penitentiary and Prison

NCJ Number
CJ Europe Volume: 2 Issue: 3 Dated: (May-June 1992) Pages: 5-8
J Pados
Date Published
4 pages
The Sopronkohida penitentiary and prison has served as a maximum- and medium-security correctional institution in Hungary since 1965.
It holds offenders from all over the country, most of whom have committed serious, violent, or intentional offenses. The prison has a capacity of 1,026; its approximately 513 cells hold 750 inmates. The facility also has 25 segregation units and 10 punishment cells. Although the institution's main purpose is to protect society by holding individuals in custody, it places much attention on changing behavior through treatment programs. It has a staff of 182 correctional officers. More than half of the treatment staff have teaching qualifications. Inmate programs and facilities include lectures and entertainment programs, religious services, inmate clubs and study circles, an extensive library, radio and television, vocational training, and employment in the textile factory. Inmates can receive visitors once every 2 months. Part of each inmate's earnings from factory employment are deducted to pay for upkeep; they may spend part in shops within the institution. For each year of work, each inmate receives 5 days of paid vacation. The prison health service is run by two doctors and a dentist, plus specialists, nurses, and medical assistants. Photographs